Take your game-changing ideas and bring them to fruition with Product Design.
This free course from Udacity, developed to Google’s standards, is designed to teach you how to take an idea and transform it into a product that you can build a business around. Product Design blends theory and practice to teach you product validation, UI/UX practices, Google’s Design Sprint and the process for setting and tracking actionable metrics.
Course Duration: Approx. 2 months
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites and Requirements - This course has no formal prerequisites. You just need to have an idea you want to materialise or a problem to solve, and of course be open to feedback!
Included in product
- Rich learning content
- Interactive Quizzes
- Taught by Industry Pros
- Self-Paced Learning
Why take this course? Silicon Valley startups, through trial and error, have developed a series of frameworks and best practices for product design. Udacity interviewed with industry experts and dug through case studies, to compile the best lessons Silicon Valley has to offer and which you can apply to influence the design of your mobile or web app.
By the end of the course, you will know how to perform a Google Design Sprint (developed at Google Ventures and exclusively taught in this course) to take your ideas from design, to prototyping and finally testing. You will also learn to create mockups for your product and record all the appropriate metrics.
Course lessons
- Ideation & Validation
- Design Sprint
- Key Metrics
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